James Peden – ‘City of Dreams’ – retro synthwave flavors and soulful vocal clarity

Known for his dynamic sonic compositions, James Peden released his new album, City of Dreams on July 30, which comprises three distinct versions of the single ‘City of Dreams’. Spaceman 1981, who also added his flavorful guitars to the original version, mixed the songs. Each track feels assured in its own harmonic direction and enveloping rhythmic potential. Moreover, the beats are flamboyantly alluring, blending perfectly with James’ unique vocal tonality, which is both vibrant and soulful.

The musical arrangement present on the opening original mix of ‘City of Dreams’, represents a track packed with ideas. The song seamlessly sways between its primal retro synthwave flavors and James Peden’s soulful vocal clarity, taking on a hypnotic quality.

The ‘City of Dreams (Increment Remix)’ version has an amalgamation of breathtaking cinematic tones and a surreally orchestrated as well as expansive electronic arrangement, proving that James Peden is the unequivocal master of his craft. A trait he absolutely certifies on the ‘City of Dreams (Instrumental)’ version. James’ sound design is confident in a way that totally grounds everything you hear, from drum machines to the rumbling basslines, and scintillating synths.

The City of Dreams album is a compact record, offering a runtime of mesmerizing electronica that is as much nostalgic as it is futuristic, and as sonically pleasingly as it is emotionally stirring. James Peden’s aural backdrops on this album is rich, clean and immersive, while the vocals are resonant, soulful and indisputably top notch. It results in one of the most rewarding releases in his entire catalogue of works. You’ll certainly be back for more after listening to City of Dreams.

Stream the album now: hypeddit.com/jamespeden/cityofdreams

For more details visit: www.jamespedenmusic.com

Follow the artist on his official social media: www.instagram.com/james_peden_music

Download or Stream the album here:



Check out James Peden’s Movie Theme Remixes on Soundcloud:

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