The founder of Creative Enterprises LLC, Creative Entertainment, and Loot Boy Entertainment, among others, King Loot is an artist out of Buffalo NY. In the past King has dropped multiple projects under various monikers receiving critical acclaim and fan approval for his efforts. In his latest project, entitled “Face”, King Loot has joined forces with Loot Boss and Bic Bee AKA The Loot Boys. King Loot is a likable, larger-than-life figure, and his persona has kept him relevant for years and will continue to do so. “Face”, seems to be an exploration into all different aspects of his music and into King Loot as an artist himself. In this genre, studio recordings are generally crafted to appeal to the mass populous with a heavy emphasis on catchy singles, serving a specific purpose and perfectly produced. The Loot Boys follow this golden rule, are able to throw in their trademark style and put together a uniquely organized yet thoroughly ‘loose and live’ sounding project.
It’s refreshing to hear that King Loot stays true to his style as an emcee and that The Loot Boys made this banger for themselves and hip-hop fans instead of for some nameless suite behind a desk. The track is another solid release by King Loot and if this is a foreshadowing of what’s to come from the artist, it’s safe to say that he’ll still be around a number of years from now; and in this era of hip-hop one hit wonders, just being able to stay relevant, let alone continuing to come out with solid tracks, is an accomplishment in itself.
It’s hard to accurately describe King Loot’s style, and he switches regularly on the different tracks he does, and that’s what makes it so thrilling. Together with Loot Boss and Bic Bee, the three mix and mingle seamlessly, keeping the hypnotic momentum of the song running from end to end.
For all the hype that King Loot and crew will be receiving for this new release, long-time listeners of the rapper aren’t likely to be left too unexpected by the quality of the final product. Since his indie debut came out, King Loot (under different names such as King Midas or King Unicorn) has continued to put out a steady stream of top notch releases over the last few years.
By now, his fan base should be familiarized with the man’s style and subject matter. The only hugely noticeable departure is that here he is sharing the space with a couple of talented features, which frankly may appeal to many fans who enjoy hearing spitting variation in a song. Those hoping to hear a banging track filled with references to money, guns, women and dope, will have a great listening experience here.
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